Sunday 4 December 2011

"Where Can I Buy A Kindle?" : The Value in a Question

Where Can I Buy A Kindle?
What do the questions you ask say about you?  Does it even matter?

Well, let's see.  Have you drafted your gift list yet? Do you know where to go to get superb deals on the gift items you want?  Have you done your homework on the places to go to get a fantastic deal?  Do you know the best answer to, for example, "Where can I buy a motorbike GPS?"  What about, "Where can I buy a Kindle?"  

Click Here for our ANSWER!

Have you bought your gifts or do you intend to buy gifts that show you care and that you've put some effort into your gift choice, or have you bought presents because they weren't too expensive and were good enough for the particular person, or perhaps you will use a combination of both of these approaches?

Is gift shopping a chore for you or do you love the process of choosing presents for different occasions? Have you completed your gift shopping? Do you work to a list when purchasing gifts and presents or do you approach the task somewhat more casually?  Okay!  Okay! Enough of the questions already!

The Psychology of Questions?

Now, some would say the way we shop says a lot about who we are, that is, our personality type. A number of us are last-minute gift buyers whilst others are more considered in their approach; there are people who take great pleasure in individually tailoring presents to suit the gift receiver; some are constrained in choice by budget restrictions, others just exceed the budget; many do gift shopping only when they have to and many others enjoy the overall experience... 

Do you think you are disclosing anything by the way you approach your gift selection? What does your gift selection uncover about your personality?  "Who cares," you may say. Others, however, might have already considered, even if only superficially, that gift selection, not dissimilar to comment selection, does perhaps reveal something about the "circuitry" of our motherboards.

Where Can I Buy A Kindle
As an illustration, one of the most popular questions being asked at the moment with regard to eReaders is, "Where Can I Buy A Kindle?" So?   Well, for a merchant, buyer intent can be much more intelligently considered when it is prefaced with buyer queries:
  1. Such a question may well be indicating the potential buyer is ready to make a purchase.
  2. Another assumption may be that the consumer has researched their product/gift enough to recognize what they want and what they don't want.
  3. The potential buyer sees value in buying an ereader and wants to take their purchasing decision to the next level.
  4. The consumer has made a choice based on product features and price.
  5. The purchaser is financially restrained for any number of reasons.
  6. The potential buyer wants a lightweight ebook reader.
... and so the list could go on. 

Of course, the merchant has no exact idea what the buyer's intentions are, however, understanding that purchasers have become exceedingly savvy in their approach to purchasing, especially with products over $100, the merchant may well reasonably assume the above points with regard to prospective purchasers.


To compliment your own search why don't you take a look at the Where-can-I-buy-a-Kindle page on the Cheap eReader blog. Who knows, you might just find something that will save you a lot of time (and money)! That's what we're hoping anyway :)